Hello everybody!
I would like You to assess my fisrt HTML practice - “Marking up a letter”.
I’m wondering, what is wrong that my reciever and sender columns are in italics. I put them into tags. It is ok? Please also give me a few advices at how can I improve my style at the very beginning of my HTML journey
The place where You can find my first code is below:
Hi there @murav94! Welcome to our community, and thank you for sending your code into us!
Your HTML for the addresses is perfect — the reason they are in italics is that browsers apply a whole lot of default styles to HTML (i.e. when no CSS has been applied to them by the developer to style them further), just so that it is basically readable, even with no styles.
This includes the spacing on the headers, paragraphs, etc., the bullets on the list items, and in this case, the italics on the <address> elements. This is fine, and I wouldn’t worry about it. At the start of your HTML journey, you won’t be doing much styling. It is CSS that you need for styling, and you’ll get to that later on.
Your work here is nearly perfect — well done. The only bit I found to comment on was the university motto at the bottom. You need to surround the actual quote in a <q> element, i.e. <q>Be awesome to each other</q>, optionally with a cite attribute (i.e. <q cite="http://www.example.com">).
Then the source of the quote needs to to be wrapped in a <cite> element, i.e. <cite>The memoirs of Bill S Preston, <abbr title="Esquire">Esq</abbr></cite>
You can use our HTML reference to look up more details on the usage of any individual element, for example see our <q> reference page.
Hello @chrisdavidmills!
I would like to say I’m very happy that You found some time to take a look at my first code ever
Thank You very much for Your advices. I hope I will soon be able to show You bunch of other lines of my code.
Hope to see you soon!