Yeelight property on=false turns on a bulb

I have yeelight bulb configured with Mozilla WebThings on RPI.

It seems that when I’m sending PUT REST via POSTMAN with following parameters
(A) https://{gateway}{bulb_id}/properties/on

body: {“on”:false}

Current state is:

  1. When bulb is ON request (A) make it OFF
  2. When bulb is OFF request (A) make it ON
    Is it work as design or it is a bug?

Expected state
When bulb is OFF request (A) make it OFF (OFF state remains)

I just release version 0.2.1 of the add-on that will hopefully fix the issue. Give it a try and let me know if you still have issues.

Hi Mrstegeman,

I’ve tested version 0.2.1 and I’m not sure if the issue has been fixed correctly.

The current status is:
When the Bulb is:
ON and get OFF PUT REST it’s fine
OFF an get ON PUT REST it’s fine
ON and get ON PUT REST - the resonse tooks around 2 minutes, and Error message
OFF and get OFF PUT REST - the response tooks around 2 minutes and Error message
Error message is "Could not get any response
There was an error connecting to"

My expectation is:
that in all 4 cases described above we should get HTTP response 200 status almost immediately independent from the current state of a bulb and a type of the REST sent to it.


You’re right. 0.2.2 is out now with a fix.

Tested… No more fixes needed :slight_smile:

Thank you for a support mrstegeman