Zigbee controller for 12V DC use?

Hello. I want to use some Xiaomi Mi Zigbee sensors conected to my Mozilla IoT solution. I only have 12V dc solar power supply at my place, no 230V ac.
Now I am looking for a “stand alone” compatible 12 V Zigbee GW controller / USB stick for use with Mozilla IoT for this sensors? (I dont want to set up a separate PC / laptop running only as Zigbee server)
Are there any recommendations for a low power consumption solution?

The Raspberry Pi that we use to run the gateway software on needs a 5.1V supply capable of delivering 2.5A (that’s the rating on the wall wart).

So what you really need is a DC-to-DC converter which will satisfy those requirements. The newer 3B+ boards really need the 5.1V and 2.5A. The older boards should run on a 5V supply (which is probably much easier to get a hold of).

I haven’t tried this personally, but this seems like a good place to start:

I dont think you understand my question :smile:. The 5,1 V Power supply of the raspberry Pi is not the problem. I use a small 3 A converter today.
I am looking for a low Power 12 V Zigbee HUB / Controller / Gateway that can bee used “as a stand alone adapter” direct on the raspberry pi without use of any external PC / laptop server for Programming (configurate) new “add on” zegbee units like With use of the ConBee USB stick. /frank

Yep I’m very confused.

So I really don’t know what you mean by a 12V zigbe controller. The Raspberry Pi with a Zigbee dongle is a zigbee controller.

You can connect to the web server using a phone or laptop (via WiFi).

You could run a web browser on the Raspberry Pi if it had an LCD attached and then you’d have a standalone unit. We don’t currently have an image built which is based on the desktop version of Raspbian. We use the lite version which assumes its running headless and doesn’t include any GUI components.

I’m not sure what you mean by “Programming new units”. Our gateway runs on the Raspberry Pi and advertises itself as a web server. The ConBee is a USB stick and runs off of the 5V on the Raspberry Pi.

I figure out that the zigbee-Conbee-adapter is a third part adapter which speaks to the DeConz REST API on another server, which server needs to be running separately wherever the conbee dongle is plugged in. I dont have that separate server in hand on this 12 V solar Powered solution.
Therefore I am looking for a "Stand alone solution " as Zegbee adapter for the Mozilla IoT gateway, - a USB or Wifi Connected adapter working directly to the Raspberry Pi running Mozilla, or a other 12 V DC operated Zegbee home Gateway adapter.… All The official Zegbee home HUB / Gateway adapter i have seen is only 230V AC operated .

Can the GoControl CECOMINOD016164 HUSBZB-1 USB Hub bee the solution ? , or is this also a third parth server soltion ?

The regular zigbee-adapter can now talk directly to the ConBee dongle. You don’t need to use the zigbee-conbee-adapter and the deConz rest server.