Hello guys. I’m going the front-end web developer learning pathway and I wanted to find out how important it was to go through the See Also section for each module. I’ve been skipping them since i started cause I’m trying to finish the learning pathway as soon as possible. Is that the wrong thing to do or is it fine either way?
Hi @Oto_Effiong!
So, “See also” is intended as other useful resources that you might find useful in addition to the core content, such as useful tools, reference, or further information.
I’d say that looking at them is optional if you want to move on, but you should maybe consider having a look at them later.
hello @Oto_Effiong
hope that everything going fine with you
in my humble opinion it recommended to read it cause each extra info you get enhance your experience and knowledge
so for me i read it
hope that help and have a nice day
Is fine But i think you have previous some exprience. so you can skip easy things. and remember practice + project learning is important.
Hi @Oto_Effiong my rule of thumb has always been to use the additional resources if I’m not clear on the info on the page. I always open in a new window so I don’t lose my train of thought. Sometimes by the end of the tutorial I’ve figured out whatever it was I thought I needed more info about; but it’s good to know I can refer to it if I’m still unclear.
Thanks for your advice. I think i’m just going to employ your strategy
Good luck on your journey toward success!