I made my first header theme but only the last 4 pictures in the banner are showing up in it. The instructions say 3000x200 pixels, is that wrong?
The image for header is top-right aligned, so if your screen is not 3000 pixels wide, it only display the topmost and rightmost part of your image.
Sample image: https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/static/img/docs/themes/header.jpg
The upper right-hand side of the image should have the most important information—as a user increases the width of the browser window, the browser reveals more of the left-hand side of the image.
so i guess i have to have a 50 in screen to see it all. who has a laptop screen that big? thanks for answering. i’ll have to make a new one with the pics i want the most on the right.
I love using diverrent Themes and create some first for my own… I use a 1920 x 1020 screen an so i lose o lot of Theme information of the 3000 Pixels on the right side… And and, this is more importend, I lose about 70 pixels on the down side… so I create my Themes again and note the Theme Name with (1920 x 1080) at the end… The test was great an everything i wanted so see was shown on the screen… (I just used 2000 x 133 Pixels) on the upper right side an let the Rest just black… your answer was: “Unfortunately, we cannot add your Theme to the gallery because of the following reason: Duplicate Submission”
What is wrong, when I creating themes for different screen sizes…?
what are the specific titles of your refused themes (it’s ok also your nickname)? … without them it’s not possible make a tracking and help you…
Many Thanks for your quick answer… I am really surprise in a very positive way…
My Nick is “Dark Adams”
I modified (double) each of my 5 Themes:
- “Orange Blues” and “Orange Blues 1920 x 1080”
- “Only Humans” and “Only Humans 1920 x 1080”
- “Dark Adams Red” and “Dark Adams Red 1920 x 1080”
- “Dark Adams #1” and “Dark Adams #1 1920 x 1080”
- “Ubuntu Studio Test” and “Ubuntu Studio Test 1920 x 1080”
The black coloured Fields in each of the modified Themes, I can not see on my screen. I use to feel that Firefox is zooming the Themes a little bit as well… but I do not really know…
I tried to build a Mask for my own with a Firefox and Thunderbird Screenshot… but it was not really helpfull as much as the Preview on the Construction Site…
I still love doing this work, maybe you know a better Tool for preparing the Themes than the “Try and Error” Method. Also a way creating Themes for each Format in the way “what you see is what you get” maybe a sort of “scaling routine” inside of Firefox and Thunderbird… In Moment it do not really works… There are so much great works of other People I cant use for my screen… But I am sure, someday I could… One Theme Format with the “complete Visions” of all the fantastic Creators…
many Greetings
sincerely your…
Dark Adams
Hi Dark Adams,
from your words I thought that none of your themes were never approved, instead… you have a good gallery https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/DarkAdams/
Tracking your refused themes, I have seen that, if they were not duplicate of existing ones, however seemed only an improvement to a superficial eye, so were rejected hoping you were using the edit function to replace them.
If instead they had a composition reason according to the screen resolution, please notify this in the descriptions or titles and resubmit for approval.
Finally I never tire to remember that there are at least 2 addons to make the preview of a theme before download it, in order to create a final product as much as possible correct and that you like …
they are…
Personas Plus
Lightweight Themes Manager
unfortunately they are not sufficiently advertised … I dont know why, because they solve immediately the most doubts of beginner author…
Hoping for now to have helped you
Hi candelora,
Yesterday i upload my 6th Theme “Dark Adams Green” and in a Modified Version as well. This Time it seems Ok… so I upload the Modifications again… and it works perfect… I am really happy now… Thanks a lot…
The Tools you are Talking about… I never recognize them… I definitely try them out… and yes you helped me…
I feel much better and I have a new hope that I can make many people so happy using my themes as all the great Creators do when I use their themes… It makes the World a bit easier, more colourful… simply funnier
Einen Hamburger Gruß peternordmann,
verdammich, also ich kriegs irgendwie nicht richtig hin: ich hab nen 1920 x 1080 Screen, in Photoshop einen Header und Footer mit 3000 x 200 / 100 pixel (Größe in cm 25,4 x 1,69 / 0,89) erstellt. Und hab das Problem, das wohl so einige Newbees haben: es wird ein vergrößerter Ausschnitt der rechten Bildseite im Browser angezeigt. Was genau hab ich falsch gemacht bzw. welche Bildgrößenwerte oder was auch immer muss ich dem Bild geben, damit es so angezeigt wird wie bei der Herstellung des Themes in der “Vorschau”?
Irgendwie hab ich hier nen logischen Haken, wäre sehr dankbar für Hilfe (ich steh nämlich auch tierisch auf Farben und Design und Hübsch-machen )
Für eine Antwort vielen Dank und besten Gruß aus Alsterdorf,
Can you provide the link to your theme please?
Ich kann Dir gerne helfen…
- Bildvorgabe in Photoschop 3000 x 200 Pixel. Damit hast Du das Format.
- Gestalte diese Fläche nach Deinen Wünschen… Oben Rechts sollte der Hingucker sein…
- Danach skalierst Du das Bild auf 1920 Breite und beachte das es proportional in der Höhe verkleinert wird.
- Setzte die Verkleinerung nun erneut in eine 3000 x 200 Pixel Bildvorgabe und achte darauf das die oberen rechten Bildecken aufeinanderliegen… den Rest des Bildes fülle nach Deinen Wünschen…
- das sollte es gewesen sein…
- nun noch auf die Auflösung achten, damit das Bild die vorgeschriebene Dateigröße nicht überschreitet…
und du bist fertig für den Upload
wenn Du weitere Fragen hast…
Liebe Grüße
Tried it with the tut of peternordmann, still i´m doing something wrong I guess… here´s the current try:
Could you upload your original images somewhere?
https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addons/689618/header.png looks wrong at least.