Hello amazing Reps,
Here is our 20 August 2019 meeting notes.
(Michael Kohler)
August 20, 2019, 6:33pm
Thanks for sharing.
I think that document is worth its own discussion on Discourse. What do you think?
The same probably for the hackmd archive.
Make sense. Okay, i’ll reach out to councils who working on those area, to create topics on discourse so everyone can have discussion. Thanks!
I’m sorry but the last two links above seem to require special permission to access. Is this the intended? If not, please give us access! Thank you!
Libre de virus. www.avast.com
(Irvin Chen)
August 26, 2019, 5:36pm
The etherpad one (last 2nd link) is a email sent to council by @mhoye mention about the below etherpad transition. Council had replied and requesting help for exporting Rep meeting notes
Hey, everyone -
I’ll be mentioning this in a company-wide email shortly, but I wanted the community to hear about it first. I’m very happy to be able to tell you about two tools that we’ve just finished standing up.
The first is a new, up-to-date version of Etherpad, stood up behind IAM:
With much gratitude for the Participation Systems and Open Innovation team’s work, backed by Adam Frank of Mozilla IT’s SRE Team, we’ve been able to get Etherpad brought up to a mod…