COVID-19: exceptional allowances for extensions for in-page translation

@jorgev and colleagues

Please consider straying from ordinary policies at this extraordinary time.

I ask for acceptable versions of least two of the extensions below to be:

  • non-blocked
  • allowed at AMO

– with the possibility of one being recommended, by Mozilla, for a limited period.



Google Translate This Page

Page Translator


Blocks, for execution of remote code, were understandably contentious. Discussions were widespread and emotive; points of discussion were sometimes exaggerated. To repeat, or continue, those discussions here will, I believe, be counterproductive.

The coronavirus pandemic should be cause to review the acceptability of these extensions. Please consider policy exceptions in cases such as this.

Thank you

Use cases

First example:

Potrestaná lékařka vyvinula vlastní test. Je zdarma a zájem o něj mají v USA – (… doctor has developed … own test. … free …) : COVID19 – Reddit

Archived Potrestaná lékařka vyvinula vlastní test. Je zdarma a zájem o něj mají v USA - can be used with full-page translation extensions such as S3.Translator; the original content can not.


The page you requested was too large to translate.


There are numerous translation extensions available on AMO. They might not be as convenient as the ones that resort to using remote code injection, but they exist and at least in my opinion are an acceptable trade-off in order to keep users safe. I don’t think the lack of those particular extensions will impede people from accessing international content during this crisis.

I’ll share this post with the rest of the team in case they have different thoughts about it. Thanks.

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