Too often I’m the bottleneck for admin tasks on I think @wdowling and I are in the same boat - daytime job has been busy lately.
I’d like to start a discussion on nominating at least two more people with admin privileges.
Too often I’m the bottleneck for admin tasks on I think @wdowling and I are in the same boat - daytime job has been busy lately.
I’d like to start a discussion on nominating at least two more people with admin privileges.
I already have a good number of permissions on HP Cloud for working on the WPMS setup, and I’m getting very comfortable with the interface. I think I would be a good candidate for being an admin. Also @tanner, probably.
+1 to tanner and Logan
I’m down.
Logan and Tanner sounds good!
This is something I have thought about before and I’m happy for a couple of the other admins to have access. It’s unfair to the guys who have to rely on me to build a host when at times I’m unavailable. I don’t like being a blocker to you guys! And the past few weeks it has been hell for me and it looks like it will remain so for another few weeks.
I’m in the same situation as you.
What’s a reasonable process to vet and approve admin access?
I would like to create two groups eventually. For example sysadmins and sysusers. Newcomers join as a sysuser and must contribute to fix bugs, suggest changes etc. All with limited privileges. After a certain period of time and a certain amount of contributions we can upgrade them to sysadmin.
Regarding HP Cloud only a portion of the sysadmins need access, and even then if we can create an admin with restricted privileges. Currently we have several good admins, we just need to make sure we choose someone that won’t have the same issue workwise as we do!
Otherwise since the community is still growing it would be good to slowly grow the infrastructure and see how it progresses. I have some tasks that I would like to complete and some tasks for the guys to run through. Again this week is busy for me so I’ll try to get on in the evenings and work with the team to push forward our projects.
Can we please reignite this discussion about delegating HP Cloud admin permissions? With @wdowling on an indefinite hiatus and @mrz busy with work, it is often difficult to get things done on HP Cloud without a significant delay.
It is ironically much easier for @tanner and me to do things on AWS that have financial implications (because Mozilla Foundation sponsors us), while HP Cloud is giving us free resources that the most active users of it cannot manage.
Here are my thoughts:
I’ve been mostly blocking on spinning up resources for a couple reasons. Mostly I want to focus our efforts on wrapping up core infrastructure. I also want to avoid having to manually build and grant access to each host.
So a couple questions:
@tad can probably answer this more thoroughly, but we have it running and we built both of our new Discourse servers with it.
I moved 6 posts to a new topic: SSL on monitoring
mrz is currently a bottleneck for HPCloud. We need to get a policy with
criteria on who can have admin privileges, then find someone who fits
that criteria (it may or may not be someone currently contributing).
Brainstrom here -