Assessment wanted for Marking up a letter from here:

Couldn’t solve this:
*Mark up the university motto quote and citation with appropriate elements.
*The author of the letter should be specified in an appropriate meta tag.

You can find my work here:

I will be grateful for any help)

Hi @cherewchyk and welcome to the community :wave:

Nice work on your first big exercise!

There are only some small improvements:

  • You’re missing the <head> element that goes above <body>. That’s the place were the <meta> tags belong and you would mention the author there. <meta name="author" content="Dr. Eleanor Gaye">
  • The date isn’t part of the address and should therefore be outside <address>. To still align it to the right side, you’ll need to apply the same class to <p>.
  • Two of your </time> end tags for the semester dates are before instead of after the actual date.
  • The <q> element around the motto is correct. The only thing missing is a <cite> element around the source of the quote. (The memoirs of Bill S Preston, Esq)

I hope that helps. Feel free to ask if something isn’t clear. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a nice day,

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Thanks a lot Today I’ll correct this code. Also I have finished HTML tables. Will be appreciate, if you could check it. Should I upload code to

Great improvements! :+1:

I see that you’ve already put your new task into CodePen. That’s always a good thing to do. It’s much easier for use to see running code and have the ability to change and try out things.
I’ll have a look as soon as time allows. :slightly_smiling_face: