Light button showing light as on while light is off

I have an Ikea trådfri bulb connected to my Webthing gateway using the conbee II usb stick. I can set the dimming and switch the light on and off. However…

Situation 1
On the Webthing homescreen I have the light as a Light Thing. When I press the “button” on the homescreen the bulb turns On but the “button” on the screen is still in the off mode

When I go into the thing (click the small web button in the top right of the light button) the situation is correct.
When I then go back to the mainscreen the button is shown as On again.

Situation 2
The light is On and on the homescreen it is show as On. I press the button and the bulb turns off and the button shows the light as Off. If I then refresh the page (F5) the light will be shown as On again, while the actual light is off. When I then go into the Thing the slider will be at On, the bulb in the middle will also be at On. Clicking the bulb in the middle or clicking the on/off slider will set both back to the Off mode (bulb stays off)

Same thing also happens with the trådfri outlet and the trådfri gu10 bulbs

Is it possible that it just takes a few seconds to update the icon?

It is now several hours later and the icon is still not updated (bulb is off, icon shows it being on). Same with all switches and bulbs.

Have you tried using a different browser by chance?

So far I’ve tried:
Firefox linux (latest version)
Firefox develop edition (latest version)
Firefox for android
Firefox beta for android
Chrome on android

All show the same thing.

Chromium linux, same problem.

I restarted the Pi and it seems to work better now.