The first time that I tried to set up the gateway page on my WIFI, I received an error that the page couldn’t be found. Some routers do not have an IP of 198.0.123. In this case you have to force the IP. Here’s what I did…
NOTE: All quoted terms and phrases are things you should type (with quotes omitted)
- Open command module in Windows on your PC (you can do this by typing “command” in the start menu)
- Type “ping gateway.local”
- Write down the IP address that results from the ping.
- In your web browser type the IP found with the ping.
- Boom! You should see the gateway interface.*
*You may get a page showing an invalid certificate error. On that page, just click the link for details, which will reveal more information and a link to proceed despite the warning. Click that link (it’s subtle, but it’s there), and you should see the start page.