I’m trying to perform a first time setup of the Mozilla IoT on my Raspberry Pi (v1.2) using Ethernet. The operating system boots up Ok and I am prompted for the default Raspberry Pi userid (‘pi’) and password (‘raspberry’) which is accepted. However, the Raspberry Pi always stays on the command line, i.e. no GUI. So, I ran sudo raspi-config so that the boot up displays the GUI. This works. However, the default userid and password are no longer valid in the Debian 10 login screen. So I never get as far as loading gateway.local.
Is this from the “official” build burnt to an SD card?
If so then there IS no gui the gateway is designed to run “headless” -
you connect to it’s webserver.
From the “getting started” guide…
“As an alternative to Wi-Fi, you can connect the Raspberry Pi to your home network using an Ethernet cable and it will attempt to automatically get an IP address from your router. You can then start first time setup by typing “http://gateway.local” into your web browser.”
Even if you built the gateway yourself o0n Rasbian, you STILL need to connect to it from a web browser… there is nothing to see from the Command line ( except errors )
You may need to work out what IP address your network has given it , which should be easy if you look at the router. ( or run “arp-scan --localnet” from a linux machine)