This is a space for contributors to introduce new staff to the community at Mozilla!
At every on-boarding session we’re going to be encouraging new staff to jump in here, introduce themselves, and reach out to Mozillians!
Want to be involved?
Introduce yourself here! Don’t forget to share your name, where you live in the world, what you’re working on, and how long you’ve been working with/contributing to Mozilla, and (if you’re open to one-on-one conversations) the best way to contact you!
Moderator’s edit: Please note that this is a public forum and by posting your email address publicly you may start receiving spam. Instead it is recommended to add your Mozillians profile to your Discourse profile, or a link to your Mozillians profile in this thread.
I am mahmood qudah from mozilla jordam (m.qudah)
Am working on l10n (arabic )
Marketing events , speaker and building teams on community
Am supporting mozilla about 5 years ago
Hello my name is Ivan Zeledon
I am from Nicaragua
collaborated in difusion
I am passionate about free software I like to do events and share knowledge and experiences
I was a professor in repair and maintenance pc
and collaborated in Mozilla for 4 years
I am Daniele Scasciafratte from Italy. As mozillian/mozilla rep since 2013 I am involved as developer (addons, html5 apps, websites, wordpress, etc), translator, recruiting, speaking and community building.
I am the Vice president of new Industria Italiana del software libero, that is an Italian association about professionals/companies that works, promote, teaching and develop about/with free software.
I am member also of LibreItalia (Italian association of LibreOffice that is very strong in my country) and Italian Linux Society (that is widespread in my country with local meetup).
I am also a WordPress Core Contributor and I have my own web agency Codeat.
Finally I write for many Italian sites about open source about business, innovation and promotion.
I am Petras Slekys from Lithuania, joined Mozilla in 2013. My primary job is IT project management and advising technological companies with various business solutions, thus I travel often and spend a lot of time in the UK. In Mozilla I organise events, give talks and lead the community as a Rep, mostly in the Baltic States.
Please feel free to reach out if you need any help or advice.
Hi I am Ganesh [short for Sandraghassen Subbaraya Pillai], this is how everybody knows me at home and at Mozilla, from Mauritius. I am Mozillian for the past 15 years and a Mozilla Reps since 2012. I am happy to part of the community where I have been contributing in several projects like 'spread Firefox and Thunderbird, Webmaker, FirefoxOS and so on. I am also an open source solutions enthusiast. Up to now I have never been able to measure how much open am I? and I am always ready to talk to new people…my skype nick: ganskyp. Hangout: gan, email: or
Hi, I’m Michael from Switzerland. I’ve been a Mozilla Rep since November 2012, before that I mostly worked on Firefox code. My plan is to get back to that, maybe talking to an employee working on it would give me even more motiviation?
Hi, I’m Irvin from Taiwan. I’d joined Mozilla since 2006 and my focus area is mainly community building, helping more people from this region to join and contribute. I’m looking forward to meet new people and new staff, hope together we can make Mozilla even stronger.
Hi, my name is Po-chiang Chao aka. BobChao. I joined Mozilla in 2002, co-found the community site & was a paid-staff during 2011-2012. I’m working closely with @irvin, mainly on getting new contributors on-board, shaping the community space program in Taiwan, and promote new Mozilla-related techs like MozVR, WebExtensions… etc.
I’m always thinking about helping people learn / contribute more in open source areas.
I am Chris Foote from London although most people know me as Spike.
My involvement with Mozilla started in 2011 as a local volunteer with the annual Mozilla Festival in London. For the last four years I have been the ‘volunteer coordinator’ - recruiting, training, and organising the 100 or so heroes that help to run the event.
I was lucky enough to be chosen to go to Singapore in January 2016 and am (as well as working on MozFest 2016) working to get MozFest volunteers more involved in other MozThings.
I am also a minor admin on the Mozilla Wiki as well as trying to get involved and contribute to some Participation Working Groups.
You can find me as SpikeUK on IRC, SpikeUK1 on, or
Hi! I’m Flore. I live in Lyon (in France). I have been involved with mozilla since 2004. I mostly work with the communities, I’m part of the participation group. I would be very interested to help new employees on understanding what our communities mean and how to be part of it.
You can reach me, mainly in the evening (european time), I’m Flore on IRC (not always in front of my computer, though) or by mail ( I can discuss by mail or video (vidyo, skype or Hello when my nightly agrees)
Looking forward to welcome new mozillians
This is Ikram from Bangladesh. I am involved with Mozilla from 2014. My main part of contribution is QA and I do things around Desktop Firefox to help the QA Team. Beside, I lead a functional community in my region. I along with my functional community do Testing, Triaging and other QA activities together and try to make Firefox better as from our part. This has been my main focus for last 1 year - recruiting contributors, mentor them up and curate them to do QA things!
I’m looking forward know Staffs and to help them in anyway, I can! I can be reached out by hossainalikram at gmail dot com
Hi, I’m Christophe Villeneuve (aka Hello / Sector One) from Paris In France.
I’m Mozillian since 2010 and Reps (:hellosct1) since 2015
I am a member of the Firefox OS communication group in France, speacker, organizer and contributor in various Mozilla and Open Source projects
Hi I am Liang from Taipei, Taiwan. I just joined MozTW community for 2 years. Only contribute a little on SUMO. Another of my interest is Open Knowledge Movement such as Wikipedia. Keep the good work fellas!
I am Anup from India. I am Mozilla Rep since 2011 and Mozillian since 2008 . I contribute to Community Marketing , Community Hardware and community Building .I help new contributes contribute by introducing them to employees and core contributors all around the world and also helping them with their basics q and a’s . I love to talk about Open Source .
I’m Aki from San Francisco. I’m in Release Engineering and was at Mozilla from 2008-2014, and happy to be back! I’m glad to see all of the new faces.
I’m Rufus Chakravarthy Sharma (RufusCSharma) from Bangalore, India. I’m involved with Mozilla for almost 2+ years. I’m a Mozilla Guide, Webmaker Mentor, L10 translator (Telugu).
By profession I’m a Layer 2 / Layer 3 Protocol Automation and Test Engineer in CISCO Systems / JUNIPER Networks.
In my available time, I would like innovate new things and help others to contribute to Mozilla. I’m an open source fan and enthusiast.
Hello everyone! I’m Robert “Bob” Reyes (just call me Bob) from Manila, Philippines. I’m a Mozilla Rep since 2011. Heavily involved in the L10n, Firefox OS and Community Building efforts locally.
I’m an IT Consultant by profession. Glad to be of help to anyone.