As suggested by @r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q here, Im opening a new thread here to discuss the further possibilities of the Rep Companion by @kinger Add-On for Firefox which is not compatible with Firefox 21 and up.
As Im not a developer, Im not sure what reasons there might be, but as far as I know it wont take too long to fix.
I dont mind taking on the addon if it’s just simply maintaining. A mobile web application would be welcome though and could be easily ported to Firefox OS and other platforms.
I’ve been a bit busy, so not continuing to contribute bugfixes. The biggest bug which needs to be fixed in order for an updated version to be pushed to AMO is It’s not particularly difficult, just requires a little bit of work.
@helios As for a FFOS app, that wouldn’t require too much work, either. A bit of refactoring would have to happen (possibly putting the static pages which the addon and app share in their own repo). The only real programming which would have to happen is code to download the list of SOPs.
I’ll work on both of these things a little later today (assuming nobody gets there before me!), once I have the time.
We are going to have a notification dashboard really soon on the portal, that would allow to have notifications about pending stuff for Reps. I think that would be a great addition to this addon.