I have now got a “Witty Cloud Module” to play with, and have flashed it with Tasmota -
I would just like to clarify what the (excellent) Tasmota Adapter by @t1m1 is capable of…
The 3 devices that I now have had it find, always identify as a “light” and only have the Boolean “on-off” control…
Am I right in assuming that this is the limitation of the adapter? I had a look at the code ( and I am not any sort of programmer!!) and I see that it only “talks” about “light”.
Assuming the above, what would be needed to pass more info about the device & states etc. to the gateway from the adapter?
Am I right in assuming that this is the limitation of the adapter?
Yes, this is a limitation of the adapter.
I’m happy to add more capabilities if possible.
It would be better to open GitHub issues for this though.
On which devices are you using the Tasmota firmware?
Thanks @t1m1 I didn’t want to make “issues” at git hub without some informal discussion here, simply because I am a real n00b with this stuff, but I will head over there and follow up, now i know it isn’t me
I have Tasmota on:-
A Kookgeek KLUP1 ( UK version of the P1, which is completely different to the US/EU version). one that has the "power monitoring bulit in.
A Sonoff S26 UK version ( which IS the same as everywhere else.
A Witty Clown Development board - A new toy that I want to make talk to the gateway as “remote switch” eventually
All of these devices are detected and “toggle” happily as “lights” with the adapter - Anyway- I am off to GitHub ( “neil696” )