Two-step authentication

I found “two-step authentication” must be enabled to log in my add-on development account, but it disabled again and again after I enable it. So it asks me to enable it again and again, and I can never log in into addon manage page now.

I also tried to add 2fa on my account setting page, a “remove” button showed, so that’s correct. But if I refresh this page, it shows “add” button again! How can I enable it?

BTW, I use keepassxc totp for the qrcode scan, will that be a problem?

Any suggestions?

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Any one? need help, thanks!!!

I will support, I have the same problem, why is there no answer to the solution of the problem?

How did you solve the problem?

Hello, I have an old account, didn’t log in for a while, now I tried to log in but I’m forced to “Enable two-step authentication” and install some app which I cannot, please unlock my account, thanks.

I have the same problem with 2FA. :weary:
Any solution?
