It’s Ram’s birthday ! - let’s sing for him after his topic presentation happy birthday
AGENDA TOPIC 1 - WebVR updates - Ram and Srushtika
Having more developers and content creators playing with WebVR is important for the future of virtual reality to help build towards a free and open virtual reality platform not owned by any individual entity.
A-Frame is used extensively by the Mozilla VR team to prototype and experiment with WebVR.
Having more contributors know A-Frame will give them a chance to get involved in one of the most exciting revolutions in the field of technology.
After a successful event of MozGirls Initiation and Contribution Day, we have come up with a series of events which will basically focus on connected devices. We will have these events to engage more girls in tech and in the contribution team of Mozilla. This event will also cover IoT and we will show the latest development and experiments that Mozilla has been working on. Students and Makers from electronics and computer background will be invited for this event.
The LinuxDays conference 2016 means two days of talks, workshops, booths of various projects (Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Slax, openSUSE,, etc.), building of 3D printers, electronics ham-shack for children, lots of interesting people and lot of new informations. Although the event is primarily held in the Czech language, there will be talks in English as well. The event is free of charge.
Hashtag: #LinuxDays
Webcompat and Firefox Test Pilot events (several cities), 10th-12th
French-speaking users of the Python language are gathering together during a few days to talk about their experiences in the field, learn from each other and show off new tricks. PyCon-fr ( ) became a reference event to learn Python, refine one’s skills, meet maintainers of popular libraries… and essentially meet and have a pleasant time together. Mozilla is a platinum sponsor of the event
Hashtag: pyconfr
TOPIC 3 - Reps/Regional Team Updates - Guillermo
Finishing Q4 goals (we will discourse it soon)
Ending Arabic Community Gathering preparations
Starting Mexico Community Gathering preparations
Mentors: remember to enlist yourself on the Coach training