(Chiorean Ioana)
June 9, 2016, 1:59pm
Thursday June 9th, 16:00 UTC
Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.
AirMozilla video
Weekly call details:
London All Hands
Reps Retrospective
Peers Next and Elections
And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove !
(Chiorean Ioana)
June 27, 2016, 7:13pm
Raw notes here .
Hi I am Ioana, from Cluj Romania and I am a fox person. I really am -
Hi,I am @dyvik1001 @dyvik100 , from Hyderabad,India and i am a dog person
Hi I am @HarshaBandaru from Hyderabad India and i am dog person
Hi I am @ganesh from Mauritius and I am kool dog person
Hi my name is Amine @Zaafouri and I am from Tunisia I am a dog person
Hi, my name is @KaiRo , and I am from Austria. I’m not really a pet person at all but may tend to cats.
Hi, my name is Anis and I’m from Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hi, I am @nootanghimire , from Mozilla Nepal Community, If I have to choose pet - it will be dogs! (and cats on second! ) [AirMo]
Hi, This is @ram1 from Mozilla India
Hi, my name is @gapson rom Slovenia, I had a turtle now we own a bird
Shout outs! Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them!
Daniele! for being the Rep of the Month Cheers to Daniele - He is really strong! \o/
Big shout out to Michael Kohler for the big help on ROM - we are up to date now!
Big shout out to our new module owner Ioana
Big shout out to Pierros for his work as module owner.
TOPIC 1 - All hands London - @rosana
to bad we could not invite more people
we will try something very different - we will have facilitators to help us design solutions for some of the problems identified
results will be brought as a comic! YAY! Stay tuned!
value and impact
Connected Devices - 15 invited ( 13 confirmed and without any visa issue)
more like a startup mentality
innovation process based on design thinking- start from users, research, prototype
Friday - all day hackathon
TOPIC 2 - Elections and Peers Next - @Ioana
Elections process starting in July/ August.
The process has been delayed, but unfortunately it will be delayed a bit more.
We are looking to have results in August. We want to make sure that we have more mentors candidates and we want to have more time for the process so that all Reps can be part of this process.
As a temporary role steering the elections Ioana will step in as module owner.
How might peers be more valuable for the Council without being another layer of decision making. I
n London Peers will meet and will present more in these calls
TOPIC 3 - Reps Retrospective - @henx * 3 columns on an online tool looking like a post its board
Stop doing this
Start doing this
Continue doing this