(Chiorean Ioana)
Aloha Reps,
For today’s call please check the agenda and please add your own topics. Do not be shy, we know that you do amazing things!
AirMO video:
Weekly call details:
- ParSys Work Week - Arielle
- MozActivate
- Council updates
And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!
(Chiorean Ioana)
Raw notes here.
ReMo Portal Event - If you attended this call or watched the AirMo recording, please mark yourself as an attendee here. (both reps or mozillians)
- Quentin Lamamy (France) @ quentin_lamamy | spiderpig
- Daniele Scasciafratte, (Italy) @ mte90net as superhero is not easy (I collect them): punisher, ghost rider, deadpool, wolverine
- Semirah Dolan (USA) @ semirahd, all girl superheros
catwomen, etc, etc,
- Konstantina @ Konstantina_P thor
- Robert Kaiser (Austria), Professor X (but I’m not much into superheros)
- Sierra Reed (San Francisco), Black Canary
- Kiki, @kelimuttu, my mom! (:
- Michael Kohler
- Ikram, @hossainalikram | Well, I go for Spiderman
- Rishita
- Francisco @francjp. Batman, the only hero without any super power… but with a lot of money
- Rishu Goenka , @RishuGoenka, my parent (because what ever today i am just because of them )
Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! ( they will be tweeted after the meeting)
AGENDA (Please add your own items)
TOPIC 1 - Parsys Work Week and next steps - Arielle
- Identity and Access management project
- created the roadmap
- moving barriers between staff and contributors
- community support project
- we are working on a small part of the community for now
- campus clubs and clubs
- we are trying to combine campus and clubs since we believe that this will be better for people to navigate inside Mozilla for volunteers
TOPIC 2 - Mozactivate - Konstantina
---- missing the initial part -------
- Emma is working on CPG
- We’re working with the l10n team to put Pontoon activity
- Questions?
- Nightly testing? - Kairo
** We’re reaching out to Marcia right now
TOPIC 3 - Council update - Michael
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)
Don’t forget to check AMA by Mitchell
(don’t be shy and add random feedback, questions about the program here)
Please let us know your opinion about this call here!
- Featured Events by Francisco should be brought back!