Greg joined the call to talk about an important project called Shape of the web which is an online platform to share and assess the attributes we believe are necessary for the open web. It represents Mozilla’s view of the world and wants to help people to understand what’s at stake.
The projects main goals are:
Create a place where users can get education about the current state
of the web
Give people an opportunity to get involved on an easy level and
motivating to find more information about this and share the
information they learned
Build awareness for Mozilla since a lot of people know Mozilla but
don’t know what we do
Ram reported about the first ever regional marketplace community building event with which was organized in Hyderabad. It was an overnight event with around 25 participants and volunteers working on 15 bugs, submitted 11 pull
requests & on-boarded 15 NEW long-time contributors.
You can read more in [Mozilla India's blog post][12] and in [gurumukhi's blog post][13].
Help me with my project!
[Boris][14] is looking for help for porting CyanogenMod, TWRP and ClockworkMod to the Flame reference device, please [contact him][15] if you are interested.
Check out the meeting logs in the etherpad and see you next week!