Hi, my name is Emin Mastizada, and I am from Azerbaijan. My last contribution as a volunteer was SUMO forum and L10n
Hi, my name is Monica Bonilla, and I’m from Bogota, Colombia. My last contribution as a volunteer was Mozilla Nativo community, l10n in native languages of latinamerica
Hi, my name is Vishal Chavan and I’m from Nashik, India. My last contribution as a volunteer was in the Take Back The Web Campaign as a Coach.
Hi, Konstantina from Greece. My last contribution is building this call with Ioana
Hi I’m Michael from Switzerland. My last contribution as a volunteer was to catch up on my Council work after our Council meeting yesterday.
Hi, my name is Prathamesh Chavan and I am from Pune, India. My last contribution as a volunteer was L10n and Mozilla Learning Network (MLN).
Hi my name is Geraldo Barros, and I am from Brazil My last contribution as a volunteer was Army of Awesome by Mozilla Support.
Hi, my name is KaiRo, and I am from Austria. My last contribution as a volunteer was reviewing German Firefox/Thunderbird 48 L10n, and updating some scripts I made when I was staff.
Hi, my name is Francisco, and I’m from Spain. My last contribution as a volunteer was today, checking discourse, starting to organize an event in Spain, etc.
Hi my name is Lucy and my last contribution was wrapping up the TBTW campaign!
Hi my name is Irvin and my last contribution was organize and share our local useful files to community space group
Hi, my name is Jobava and my last contribution as a volunteer was: SUMO and L10n.
Hi, I am Ikram and I am from Dhaka. My last contribution was doing some Bug’s Verification.
Hi I am Viswaprasath, and my last contribution as a Volunteer is code contribution to web-ext
Hi, my name is Gašper, I’m from beautiful city Ljubljana, Slovenia. My last contribution is the best L10n Hackathon - in progress, we start tomorrow
Hi my name is Mrinal . I’m from Indore India , My last contribution as a volunteer was to organise a community gathering for FSA’s from Mumbai
Hi my name is Dinesh. I’m from India. My last contribution as a volunteer was a blog post about l10n report (an hour ago)
Hi my name is Amine Zaafouri, and I am from Tunisia My last contribution as a volunteer was helping a mozillian from Algeria about the connected devices updates
Hi my name is Ioana and I am form Romania. My last contribution as a volunteer was doing QA on Mozilla Festival website
Shout outs! Know some Reps who did an amazing work! Let’s share some #mozlove to them! (
@geraldobarros and @cynthiapereira for coordinate Mozilla presence at FISL, and for all the hard work they are doing in the Brazilian community +1
@kelimuttu because she doesn’t know that Bugzilla is a trap!!
AGENDA TOPIC 1 - Contributor Research - Rina Jensen
A formative research study in two parts, exploring
what motivates technical contributors to participate in open source projects.
based on the driving motivations, what are the experiences of contributing in open source and how can it be improved.
We will cover motivations, connections between those motivations (personas) and the experience journey research in short, but will provide links and documentation for follow up.
the independents
the leaders
the fixers
the citizens
Any quick (and magic) things we should apply starting tomorrow?
yes, check on how we engage/ how we reconnect
Any AHA moments ? Something unexpected that pop up- ed in the research?
a lot of aha moments, I thought that open source would be a pillar on why people join and I found that there is a big diversity on motivations - Rina
there is a progression on how the contributors evolve, they may start as a certain type and they can change in the future - Brian
Are the people in the personas real mozillians/people who answered?
they are not we wanted to keep people’s ids secret
Are there lessons from other projects for integrating beginner technical contributors?
there are some high level recommendations, one of the key things (easy step too) is stating the benefits that people will get once joining
What is the value of non-technical contributors to open source or free software projects in general?
Hashtag: #mozl10nLjubljana, also look for #SloZilla
FISL 17 (Porto Alegre, Brazil) 13th-16th
Fórum Internacional Software Livre has established itself as a place of discussion and exposure of what is latest in free technologies. The FISL preserving values such as maintaining transparency in the technology, whether the codes in open standards and the struggle for free and neutral internet. In 2016 Porto Alegre will again host the biggest gathering of Free Software communities in the world.