Rizki Kelimutu (Kiki) has done a tremendous work as a bugzilla co-ordinator in the last 4 months. As a result Kiki will take the role of the second employee in the Review Team replacing Irayani Queencyputri (Rara)
Longer Version
The Review Team has been created with the scope to help the Reps align their efforts with Mozilla’s goals and to improve Reps resource request cycle times. When Review Team was formed, it was decided to have 2 employees and 5 volunteers. At the time no second employee was available so Rara stepped in as the council chair to fulfill that role. Since then a lot have changed and Kiki has joined us as the bugzilla co-ordinator. Kiki has shown an incredible commitment and has developed a lot of experience handling the budget and swag requests the last 4 months.
As a result, the Reps Council and the Review Team have agreed that this is the right time to replace Kiki with Rara and of course thank Rara (thanks a lot miss!!) for her contribution.
Welcome Kiki and thanks a lot Rara !!!