Why are my themes are rejected because of Duplicate Submission

I have tweaked my Lubuntu-theme. For the part of firefox that can be
modified with themes my colors do not apply. Thus I created a few
themes with plain colors from my Lubuntu-theme and submitted them.

All of the themes has been rejcted, and I received a mail claiming rjection because of Duplicate Submission.

What can I do?

Thanks for submitting your Theme, 6699bb.png.

Unfortunately, we cannot add your Theme to the gallery because of the following reason:
Duplicate Submission
Probable Duplicate Submission the system notifies this theme as a duplicate, please use the keyword search to find those same or similar

We appreciate your involvement in the Theme community and encourage you to create another design that fits our Terms of Service.

If you have any questions or want more information, please stop by the forum at Themes - Mozilla Discourse and tell us what’s on your mind.

Best Wishes,
The AMO Team

Okay, what I’ve done is to switch to the firefox-fork Pale Moon. I’m slightly disappointed that I not even do get an answer.

Sorry we missed your first post on this–we’re looking into it now…

No offence meant, but it seems not necessary any more.

This case does manifest a general problem in Firefox to me: Although it is possible to switch the looks of Firefox to any of 1.436.676 existing themes, it is impossible to create a unique one - without permission of a reviewer.

  • I do understand that I receive a warning if I try to configure Firefox in “about:config”.
  • I do understand that a theme has to be reviewed before it is added to the download area for everyone

But it does not meet my understanding of free software that I have to ask for permission to adapt the look of Firefox. In my opinion it should be possible to use an “adult”-theme for my private use as well as one that looks quite similar to another one that I have missed while searching the offical-themes-site - even so if I did not search at all.

Shouldn’t I be able to use a theme as easily as I created it? I think so.

After all Pale Moon complies my requirements.


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Ah, I see. You can use a personal theme that only you can see by installing the Personas Plus add-on. Select “Custom Persona” in the menu, and you’ll be taken to a page where you can upload a theme of your choice.