FOSDEM 2018 - Call for Papers

Hello fellow Mozillians

This is call for all Mozillians (volunteers & staff alike) to submit their talks for FOSDEM 2018.

It’s that time of the year again! The Call for Papers for Europe’s largest FLOSS event, FOSDEM, happening on February 3 & 4 2018 in Brussels, has now officially opened. Just like previous years, Mozilla has secured a Devroom for a full day and we would love to see and hear all your wonderful talks. Those of you that have no idea what Fosdem is about, I strongly recommend you take a look at their website ( For those of you that (now) do, I have included a list of topics that we are particularly keen to see in our room. Developer rooms are assigned to self-organising groups to work together on open source projects and to discuss topics relevant to a broader subset of the community.

Proposals should not be limited to the list but those that are might stand a higher chance of getting accepted. In fact, we do encourage you to submit talks that are not on the list, you never know. But please be aware that FOSDEM is a developer oriented conference.

Essential info:

  • CfP deadline: December 6th 9th 2017 (acceptance/rejection notice by December 15th the last week of 2017)
  • Duration: 30 or 60 minute talks (including Q&A)
  • Sponsorship available for contributors traveling from Europe

All talks will be streamed live, recorded and made available through the FOSDEM archives. By sending in your proposal you agree to these terms. Note that recordings will be published under the same license as all other FOSDEM content (cc-by), however, exceptions can be requested.

To submit your proposal, visit :

If you have previously submitted a proposal for FOSDEM, you will most likely already have a Pentabarf account. Please be considerate and try to recover your credentials if possible. If you have not, feel free to register a new account. Once you’re logged in, click “Create Event” in the menu and use that form to submit your proposal. Make sure to select the “Mozilla devroom” as track, otherwise your talk will be rejected. Please include the following items:

  • Title and subtitle of your talk
  • The duration (either 30 or 60 minutes)
  • An abstract of your presentation
  • A full description of your presentation
  • Any relevant links to websites, blogs, documentation, or other resources

Contributors selected for a talk will have their travel and accommodation sponsored. Due to this short deadline and a limited budget, only contributors traveling from Europe are eligible for this sponsorship. If you are traveling at your own expense, or require assistance in acquiring a VISA, please contact @anthony or myself (@Ziggy) via e-mail (available through

Best of luck to all of you!

Kind regards

List of preferred topics:

  • Privacy tools
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Common Voice project (or other Voice projects)
  • WebVR
  • WebCompat
  • Browser add-ons and the WebExtensions API
  • Firefox for Android / iOS
  • HTML5 games
  • Security and usability
  • Firefox

Community Participation Guidelines

The Mozilla devroom respects Mozilla’s community participation guidelines along with the FOSDEM Code of Conduct. These guidelines cover our behaviour as participants, facilitators, space wranglers, staff, volunteers, vendors, and anyone else involved in making the Mozilla devroom possible.


I might be interested in giving a talk on FOSDEM, I have never been there before.

Two questions - are the submission coordinated by Mozilla in any way, or should I just got and submit some proposals I could talk about? Second question is the booth? Is Mozilla having a booth and how can I get involved?

Personally I think I can show Nightly and show a demo of mozregression or give a brief intro how our local community works.

And I forgot SUMO. I could talk about SUMO too. :wink:

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Submissions are coordinated in the sense that there will be Mozilla staff on the voting committee, but we encourage you to submit talks you have some degree of expertise and interest in.

Regarding booths, they have not yet been assigned by the FOSDEM team so I cannot confirm we have one at this time. I will release a separate call for volunteers once we receive confirmation and figure out logistics.


Hi! I could give a talk about online privacy, introducing Lightbeam, the addon allowing to monitor who’s tracking you online. It is now ported as a webextension. I already did that presentation some years ago at the fosdem, but many things evolved since then. Especially, I’d love to do a comparison of browsing with and without the (now available outside private mode!) tracking protection built in Firefox enabled.

@biancadanforth we could probably discuss about that :wink: Maybe on IRC? What’s your nickname there, it’s not filled in your mozillian page.

Feel free to send me a message on IRC: bdanforth; I’m not on their constantly, but I’d say most days I pop in.

I helped re-implement Lightbeam as an intern over the summer, so it’s been a couple months, but hopefully I can still be helpful.

Also @psequeira was my co-intern; she may be a better resource for you, as she is much more up-to-date with the state of Lightbeam currently, and she is also interested in FOSDEM!

Is it only me or the submission system is not working? When I log in I cannot see FOSDEM and also again just shows tow login and create account buttons (of which login doesnt work)

Hello, according to the FOSDEM team this has been solved.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience please try again, if it does not work, feel free to send me your proposal by email and I will be sure to include it in the pool.

The deadline has been extended through 12/9. This is a final call to get your proposals in!

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The call for proposals is now officially closed!

We would like to thank everyone that sent a proposal or shared the word about this call. Thank you!

We will reach out to everyone once we have finished the talk selection (and before the end of December).

Due to an extended deadline and the ongoing All Hands in Austin right now, acceptance and rejection notices are being delayed. Please expect these to be sent out by the last week of the year the latest. Thank you for understanding.

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Great. Looking forward to that.