Hello Reps,
One of the objectives of 2019 H2 OKRs of Rep program is More activities related to MDM campaigns are reported on reps portal (30% more reporting)
Here are the milestones for this OKR
Milestone 1: Check the current status so we can define 30% more
Milestone 2: Promotion of campaigns to the Reps
Milestone 3: Promotion of reporting to the Reps
Milestone 4: Check the revised status of the reported activities
Please check the progress of the OKR on Github. Add your comments and suggestions here.
opened 04:23PM - 27 Aug 19 UTC
closed 10:43PM - 15 Jun 20 UTC
**Name of the key result:
More activities related to MDM campaigns are reported… on reps portal (30% more reporting)**
**Add the milestones in order to reach your key result:**
Milestone 1: Check the current status so we can define 30% more
Milestone 2: Promotion of campaigns to the Reps
Milestone 3: Promotion of reporting to the Reps
Milestone 4: Check the revised status of the reported activities
**2) How much time do you need to achieve one milestone in weeks?**
Milestones | Time needed
-- | --
Milestone 1: Check the current status so we can define 30% more | 2 weeks
Milestone 2: Promotion of campaigns to the Reps | 4 weeks
Milestone 3: Promotion of reporting to the Reps | 4 weeks
Milestone 4:Check the revised status of the reported activities | 2 weeks
**3) Break down your milestone on to do’s. What do you need to do to achieve that milestone?**
**Milestone 1:** Check the current status so we can define 30% more
To do’s
- [ ] Get data from Michael
- [ ] Make a report of the data
- [ ] After we get the number , set a milestone figure (30% more of the data received)
**Milestone 2:** Promotion of campaigns to the Reps
- [x] Make a list of channels for promotion
- [x] Draft content for the campaign promotion.
- [x] Create comms plan and get approved from Konstantina
- [x] Get draft approved from Konstantina
- [x] Set data for campaign promotion
- [x] Shoot campaign
- [ ] Study metrics
**Milestone 3:** Promotion of reporting to the Reps
- [x] Make a list of channels for promotion
- [x] Draft content for the reporting of MDM activities promotion.
- [x] Create comms plan and get approved from Konstantina
- [x] Get draft approved from Konstantina
- [x] Set data for campaign promotion
- [x] Shoot campaign
- [ ] Study metrics
**Milestone 4:** Check the revised status of the reported activities
- [ ] Create metrics report of different campaigns
- [ ] Compare it with past metrics
- [ ] Create results report
- [ ] Publish the results
- [ ] If results are unsatisfactory redo milestone 2 and 3
**4) Post your plan on github - it will help you track everything and give visibility to the rest of the Reps**
- [x] Done
**5) Make an announcement of your plan in discourse and let Reps know - maybe someone wants to help you, give them the chance to say so**
- [ ] Done
1 Like
(Daniele Scasciafratte)
September 2, 2019, 1:00pm
Check the current status
With this we are talking about the numbers and the topic area (and where)?
Just to understand if specific kind of campaigns works more in specific regions than others.