I’ve been playing around with a WebThings router, and a RGBW light reflashed to use Tasmota.
The tasmota-adaptor was able to detect my light, but it had troubles because the Color property returned didn’t match the expected length.
I’ve played around with the code enough to get it to handle color in the ways that I would expect, plus the addition of a brightness property.
That much is working for me, and I am planning to submit a pull request to the author of tasmota-adapter to add that support.
That’s all just context for my actual questions. Currently setting the color to white is still using the RGB channels instead of the dedicated (warm) white light. The result is a relatively dim light.
I can currently set the light to white via the tasmota console and rest request. But I don’t know how this option is best represented within the WebThings interface.
I was also thinking about implementing a fade action. Unless I’ve misread the tasmota documentation interface, ‘fade from off’ can specify a duration in seconds, while a generic fade between any two brightnesses can only be specified with a speed of 1-20. I could construct a relationship to seconds for my devices, but I don’t trust that would hold true for anything else. If you were using it, would you prefer that fade was available but not accurate seconds or not having a fade?