Support for IKEA trådfri motion sensor


I’ve purchased this.

After reset it pairs with Mozilla gateway and shows up as Motion Sensor.

But , I can’t get any events from it. ( always in state “no motion” )
Bug or user error??

I have one and it works fine. After motion is triggered the default of mine is that it stays triggered for 60 seconds. I did not touch the delay and field of view adjustments on the back, but you might want to check them. Oh, and I think I recall that @dhylands mentioned that some of the IKEA stuff only works for him with the ConBee USB dongle, not the Digi. I’m using the ConBee.

Is it possible to use both Digi and the ConBee at the same time?

There’s not really a need to use 2 dongles.

hmm, not sure I understand you comment, or maybe you don’t understood my thought process :slight_smile:

I have devices which some works on Digi and others on ConBee,

In theory, you can use a Digi and ConBee dongle at the same time. I’m not aware of any devices which work with the Digi that don’t work with the ConBee.

I have one and it works fine. After motion is triggered the default of mine is that it stays triggered for 60 seconds. I did not touch the delay and field of view adjustments on the back, but you might want to check them. Oh, and I think I recall that @dhylands mentioned that some of the IKEA stuff only works for him with the ConBee USB dongle, not the Digi. I’m using the ConBee.

Should I then buy a ConBee stick because I can’t get the motion sensor to work with Digi.

A ConBee or ConBee II should work fine (I have an ConBee II but haven’t tested it yet).

FYI, @dhylands and I tested all the IKEA stuff (switch/remote buttons, motion sensor, smart bulbs, outlet) recently and verified they all work with ConBee II. It seems more reliable for pairing than ConBee.

Happy to hear all should work with Conbee II. I have not managed to pair the tradfri motion sensor yet. Bulbs do work though. Could you please explain how you got this one paired? I tried factory reset and holding the pair button for >10s. No errors in the zigbee logs. Maybe you could point me in the right direction? Thanks

There seem to be a couple different IKEA motion sensor versions. The ones I have from the US work. Some others don’t show up with the correct properties.