Detailed notes
Shoutouts to Dian Ina (@alamanda), @Christos, @couci, @bobchao, @irvin, @orin, Ernest, Peter Chen (@petercpg), @r_HN42fyO-WKqJJnvvAS8F-w and @qudahmahmood.
Heartbeat process
Emma introduced the heartbeat process the Participation team is using to move forward.
Usually the process is each 3 weeks and the projects are based on the team quarterly goals, allowing to measure the success in an agile way.
At the end of the 3 weeks cycle demos of the most relevant project are presented.
The process is open to anyone to participate, simply add a comment on the project github issue you are interested in.
Featured events
MozCoffee spring Campaigns in Bangladesh (Dinajpur, Rajshahi). 10th
Mozilla Egypt Iftar (Cairo) 10th
TuxCon 2015 (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) 11th-12th
Mozilla Weekend Berlin (Germany) 11th-12th
Mozilla L10n and QA Hackaton (Lima, Peru), 11th-12th
FirefoxOS Launch Campaign ( Mauritius) from May 9 - 25 July 2015
Don’t forget to add your event to Discourse, and share some photos, so it can be shared on Reps Twitter account.
Help me with my project
Emma needs help turning Marketpulse four week course into a self-study resource, 90% there just need extra set of eyes to figure out what would be most intuitive. If you are interested in curriculum (qa, grammar, organization), please reach out to @emma_irwin or @Ioana.
What’s Council up to this week?
This is a quick summary on what the Council is working this week.
Documenting the mentors selection criteria both current one and an improved.
Mentors’ accountability to help mentors improve.
Report from Council’s work in Whistler.
San James and Bob are working on Kolkata space experiment.
Improving the swag form (Konstantina and council)
Improved Budget SOP (Konstantina and the council)
Michael is brainstorming on recognition and how to improve it within the program.
Questions about what is happening? Ask on discourse or trello.
MozFest planning session
Mozfest Planning happened in Anstruther Scotland, it was the first of it’s kind because usually Mozfest planning is done remotely between the teams and individuals involved.
They were there to think differently about how we can plan sessions and the experience through Personas and pathways.
Raw etherpad notes.