(Chiorean Ioana)
- Thursday March 3rd, 16:00 UTC
- Check the agenda and please add your own topics as well if you have something to share with us.
AirMozilla video
Weekly call details:
- Participation Infrastructue - Pierros
- International Women’s Day - Week Campaign - Priyanka
- Events - Franc
- What we are working on in the council
- Help me with my project!+1
And your topic! - feel free to add it on etherpad
PS: As always we encourage you to add some shout outs! We have amazing reps doing amazing work! Let’s send them some #mozlove!
(Chiorean Ioana)
Raw notes here.
- Hi my name is Radhakrishna and I am from Hyderabad. Today the temperature in my city is 30 C.
- Hi my name is Konstantina and I’m from Athens. It’s 16 C here
- hi my name is mahmood qudah and i’m from jordan and its i dont know
- Hi my name is Daniele and i am from Italy. It’s 6 C here.
- Hola, I’m Ruben from Spain. It seems winter is going and returning each day, yeah WTF.
- Hi I am Shahid from India and todays temperature is (Some Unknown Number) C
- Namaste! This is Priyanka from India and today’s temperature is 26’C
- Hi, my name is Kelimutu from Indonesia. and it’s 27Ç here in Jakarta
- Hi My Name is Viswaprasath From Chennai (TN) India
- Hi my name is Jb, from Uganda, temperature in my city is 25 C
- Hi my name is Francisco, from Spain. The temperature today is 16 C
- Ioana - from Romania - where the internet speed is super nice! <3 12
- Hey All! I’m Mahendra Shrivas from Accra, Ghana. Today the temperature in Accra is 31C.
Shout outs!
- priyanka for leading the womoz efforts
- All Reps involved in working groups, thanks for shaping the program future!
TOPIC 1 - Participation Infrastructure - Pierros (POSTPONED)
TOPIC 2 - International Women’s Day - Week Campaign - Priyanka
TOPIC 3 - Events - Franc
TOPIC 4 - What we are working on in the council
- Finalizing the details for reps innovation fund
- If you have questions please contact the council
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