Weekly Update: Upcoming Common Voice Dataset and more


Happy New Year !

For our first weekly update of 2022 we cover; upcoming Common Voice Dataset, Opportunities and events and New Year’s Resolutions.


Upcoming Common Voice Dataset

The Common Voice Dataset is being released this month. The dataset has grown by approximately 5,000 recorded hours :boom:, your efforts helped this become possible.

Validating voice clips helps to support the quality of the Common Voice Dataset so application created using the data can better understand people.

The cut of period of voice clip inclusion for the next release is scheduled for the 12th January.

Could you help to validate voice clips before the release this month?

If yes ! take part in the 5x15 mini challenge. Over the next 5 days, validate voice clips for 15 minutes each day.

Feel free to reuse the gif and I’m happy to make localised versions per request via direct message.


Opportunities and events

  • Share your thoughts on the new design and content of the About Page on Common Voice (deadline Monday 10am UTC)
  • Influence the design of the Community Support Desk. The support desk aims to support communities who want to see their language grow on Common Voice.
  • AMA with Francis on Common Voice Variants for Languages taking place on January 24, 2022January 24, 2022 (hover for timezones)
  • FOSDEM takes place on 5th and 6th February. Mozilla is hosting a devroom, check out the agenda and come and support fellow Mozillians.


New Year’s Resolution

What New Year’s Resolutions would you like to make ?

Could it be ……

All the best,


Common Voice Community Manager


Dear Common Voice Community Members,

We hoped to release the dataset this week in the usual Wednesday release, alongside the newly designed about page.

Our new engineers are working hard to get this done, but the process is running a little behind. We expect to do a special release next week - but will keep you posted.We deeply apologies for any inconvenience caused regarding the delay.


It is done when it is done, and the onboarding of new engineers is important work as well. Looking forward to next week.